Welcome to The B2B Content Show
Aug. 3, 2023

How "Blushies" help this professional service provider stand out w/ Katrina Neil and Mallory Dietl


Thinking "outside the box" can be a double edged sword.

(Two metaphors packed into a single short sentence; not too shabby, eh?)

Done well, defying convention can help you stand out.

But thinking TOO FAR outside the box can make you seem just plain weird and untrustworthy.

It's important to strike a balance.

That's what Katrina Neil and Mallory Dietl, co-founders and owners of Key Grip Virtual, do to great effect with what they call "Blushies," cartoon figures they use on their website to convey the brand voice they're going after: a little whimsical, fun, but still 100% professional.

In this fun episode of The B2B Content Show, Katrina and Mallory tell the story of how the Blushies came to be, how they use them to maximum effect, and how other companies can get creative and fun with their branding without sacrificing professionalism and trustworthiness.

The B2B Content Show is brought to you by Connversa, a boutique agency that uses the art of interviewing to position your subject matter experts as thought leaders and to showcase your special sauce.